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walking yoga

at Scott Park


This class is offered through Millcreek Township Parks and Recreation, hosted at Scott Park, located on West 8th Street, 1/4 mile east of Peninsula Drive.   Registration for the next class can be found here.

This class is a combination of mindful walking, breathing and Vinyasa yoga flow. We follow a circuit of trails that weave through the woods and by scenic overlooks. This practice is an hour long and one mile of walking mixed with standing yoga postures.


The beauty of nature adds to the practice of yoga in magical ways.  The fresh air, change of seasons and the challenge of walking outdoors makes this practice more than any other yoga class.  Spring, Summer and Fall sessions are made available.  Rain simply means we modify our practice under the picnic pavilion on site. We only cancel for lightening.

Serene Bear Yoga focuses on practical movement that supports daily life. Clients range in ages from 16 - 86, and we accommodate all levels of fitness.  The level of support that we share during our time together helps to keep us motivated during our time apart.

We look forward to you joining us.

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