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Shop Chop Cook

Your resource for integrating real food into your real life.

I've always had a passion for cooking and teaching.  In 2012 I began writing Shop Chop Cook as a blog as a curiosity project, to share what I understood with those who would follow along.  My business name comes from the three main steps to put a meal on the table;  acquire ingredients, get them ready  and preparation.

Pantry Sort and Re-Start

By Appointment
$200 on site consultation.  $35 per half hour during project.

Raise your hand if the stuff in your kitchen is still in the same drawers or cupboards from the time that you moved into your home?  Did it land there for a specific purpose?  Did you use it in the last six months?  Do you feel like the kitchen just doesn't work for you but you don't know why?  These are some of the questions we'll go through to determine the most efficient layout for your kitchen space for the way that you cook 90% of the time. 

This process mirrors how professional chefs organize their kitchens, to make best use of space and work flow.  We start with the in home consultation to review how you and the other occupants interact with the kitchen.  You'll have some homework after this and then we work together to put your space back together so that it will be intuitive to your cooking and meal styles.

Shop Chop Cook Beginner Lessons

By Appointment
$80/ Hr

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a first step"~Lao-Tzu


Our first meeting will focus on your current cooking skill level, comfort with recipes, ingredients and generally - me getting to know you.  After this we'll determine together your goals and how to proceed;

  • Spending some time together in the grocery store to teach you about selecting the right ingredients for your desired meal outcomes, balancing your budget and menu planning.

  • Going into your kitchen and reviewing what equipment you have and what the most valuable investments would be.

  • Developing knife skills and understanding of safe knife handling.

  • Working together to build menus that utilize ingredients efficiently and suit your flavor profiles.

  • Focused work on cooking technique rather than recipes so that you have a set of skills rather than a stack of cookbooks.

Your path is and will be unique, so will your cooking lessons.  From session to session you will become more comfortable and confident in the kitchen and your success will taste amazing!

Customize your Group Experience

  • Lecture

  • Demonstration

  • Interactive/ Tactile Experiences

Is your work group or circle of friends tired of the same old "Wellness Wednesday" themes?  Are you looking for a fun and flavorful group or team building activity?
Shop Chop Cook can spice up your event and leave you with skills you can take back to your kitchen with success.


Group classes are an entertaining and memorable event to hold because it isn't just about gaining new information from the instructor, it is about how to apply this information. You will get more results from a group class because everyone is asking questions. It is having reinforcement from having fun with the group that you will remember what you experienced with more accuracy.  The group will live with different parts of the experience and share their successes building confidence for others.

Class themes can be customized for food preferences.  Successful past themes include;

  • Texture and the impact on flavor.

  • Fun with Flavor- Salty, Sweet, Spicy, Tart

  • The Blindfolded Tasting Experience

  • Divide and Conquer- The Group Makes the Meal

  • Shop Mix Bake

Group minimum size is 10 people for the best interactive experience. Class theme is dependent on the host space constraints.
At this time, group classes will be limited to lecture only with no tasting.  Thank you for your understanding.

Your new relationship with food and cooking is just an email away.

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